Introducing The 5% Way Podcast!

introducing the 5% way podcast

The Screw The Scale Podcast is undergoing its own sustainable transformation from the inside out.

Introducing The 5% Way Podcast!

In today’s episode, I express immense gratitude for the three-year, 164-episode journey of the show and for each and every one of you listeners and then transition our discussion to talking about the reason for the change in name and what you can expect moving forward.

Additionally, you’ll be further introduced to The 5% Way brand and ethos, gaining a clear and inspired understanding of what we do, how we do it, and, most importantly, why we do it. 

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Paul Salter

Paul Salter is a Registered Dietitian and Founder of The 5% Way. Since 2013, Paul has worked one-on-one with nearly 1,500 men and women, helping them to collectively lose tens of thousands of pounds of body fat and keep it off for good. He’s also published nearly 1,000 articles, two books, and 175 podcast episodes (and counting) on all things related to our five core elements of sustainable weight loss.



Micheala is a Transformation and Community Success Coach. She specializes in bringing out the absolute best in you and helping you see that you already have everything you need to achieve the transformational results you desire. Micheala will be an incredible asset for you on your journey since she went through the process herself and has seen long lasting results.

The Maintain My Weight Loss After A Diet Blueprint

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