Posts Tagged: breaking habits

You’re Doing it Wrong: How to Improve Your Ability to Set the RIGHT Goals

There’s one common denominator amongst all of the goals you’ve set but never accomplished.  Once you acknowledge this and understand how it works, you’ll…

16 Strategies and Reminders to Enjoy Your Thanksgiving Free of Food and Scale-Related Anxiety and Guilt

[REMINDER] This is a replay of an original episode on the Screw the Scale Podcast (the former name of this show) from October 2020.…

The Hidden Consequences of Yo-Yo Dieting You Need to Know (and Why Future Weight Loss is That Much Harder)

TRUTH BOMB: Compared to being overweight or obese (as defined by BMI) the act of consistently losing and regaining weight (read: yo-yo dieting) significantly…

The 4-Step Process to Build Massive Self-Confidence

I’ve asked hundreds of men and women to share the top three adjectives they’d use to answer the question, “How do you wish to…

It’s True: More Structure in your Day Can Provide More Fun and Freedom

Ever feel like you’re exerting almost all of your energy trying to doggy-paddle to keep your head above water each day? Yeah, us, too.…

[INTERVIEW] Escaping the Grip of Body Dysmorphia and an Eating Disorder Once and For All and Finding Newfound Self-Love and Self-Confidence

Meet Mandi. A 36-year-old mother, who, due to her husband’s frequent and extended travel, acts as a solo parent while being a dog mom,…