
Read all our posts from the category Behavior Change Strategy and Breaking Patterns

The 3-Step Blueprint to Feel Your Best in 2023 (And Beyond)

Behind your weight-loss goal is really a feeling (or collection of feelings) that you’re chasing. If you are sick of dieting at the turn…

[INTERVIEW] The Potential Impact and Power Adults Have on Shaping Their Children’s Relationship with Food and Themselves

Meet Jana. Since she was a little girl, Jana was exposed to her mom’s unhealthy relationship with food and a constant quest to weigh…

The Hidden Consequences of Yo-Yo Dieting You Need to Know (and Why Future Weight Loss is That Much Harder)

TRUTH BOMB: Compared to being overweight or obese (as defined by BMI) the act of consistently losing and regaining weight (read: yo-yo dieting) significantly…

It’s True: More Structure in your Day Can Provide More Fun and Freedom

Ever feel like you’re exerting almost all of your energy trying to doggy-paddle to keep your head above water each day? Yeah, us, too.…

[INTERVIEW] Escaping the Grip of Body Dysmorphia and an Eating Disorder Once and For All and Finding Newfound Self-Love and Self-Confidence

Meet Mandi. A 36-year-old mother, who, due to her husband’s frequent and extended travel, acts as a solo parent while being a dog mom,…

[INTERVIEW] How Speaking Kindly to Herself and Prioritizing Self-Love Led to Dozens of Pounds Going Away for Good

In 2017, Chloe felt frustrated, defeated, and unhappy with her weight and health. Ready to make a positive change, she drafted an email to…