
Read all our posts from the category Mindset Shift and Positive Psychology

Success Leaves Clues: How to Learn from Your Past Successes (and that of others)

When we attempt to achieve a goal that we’ve tried to achieve before, such as losing significant weight and keeping it off for good,…

The Power of Keeping Promises to Yourself with Allison Sellner

Meet Allison. An OBGYN in the Houston, Texas area who has been dieting for nearly two decades.  Having started her first diet around the…

You’re Doing it Wrong: How to Improve Your Ability to Set the RIGHT Goals

There’s one common denominator amongst all of the goals you’ve set but never accomplished.  Once you acknowledge this and understand how it works, you’ll…

The 4-Step Process to Build Massive Self-Confidence

I’ve asked hundreds of men and women to share the top three adjectives they’d use to answer the question, “How do you wish to…

7 Lessons I Learned About Life Walking for 12 Hours Straight…

On August 6, 2022, I took my first steps outside at 5:30 AM with the goal of walking for 12 hours straight. This experience…

[INTERVIEW] Escaping the Grip of Body Dysmorphia and an Eating Disorder Once and For All and Finding Newfound Self-Love and Self-Confidence

Meet Mandi. A 36-year-old mother, who, due to her husband’s frequent and extended travel, acts as a solo parent while being a dog mom,…